Welcome to The Well Place

Where Your Healing Journey Meets God's Grace

You are wonderfully made,

& your presence here is no accident.

Every challenge you've faced has shaped your resilience and strength. Now, it's time to transform those experiences into healing and wholeness. At the well place, we're here to walk alongside you, helping you uncover the fullness of health that honors both your body and your relationship with God.

A System that Embraces Your Wholeness.

True healing isn’t just about physical health…

it's about aligning your life with God's purpose for you.

At the well place, we create a space where you can connect deeply with God as you nurture your health. Together, we’ll clear the obstacles holding you back and move towards the life of peace, balance, and wellness that God intends for you.

let’s get this started.

Meet Your Coach

 Hi, I’m Kaylan! I am a wife, mom, and the heart behind the well place, where I hope to blend evidence-based wellness approaches with spiritual nourishment to support women, particularly those of childbearing age. The well place was deeply inspired by my own winding health journey and the story of the Woman at the Well from the Bible, which illustrates the transformative moment of acceptance and revelation of the truth of the living water, reflecting our commitment to fostering a space where women can embark on a journey of healing and spiritual growth. At the well place, we will aspire to offer more than just health guidance and provide a sanctuary for renewal and empowerment - striving to make every interaction at the well place both Holy Spirit and heart-led.

Our mission

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline”

-2 Timothy 1:7

At the well place, we believe that we are not meant to thrive in isolation or fear. Inspired by the profound words, we step will stand alongside you to show up into the world empowered and uplifted. We are committed to spreading this hope and fostering a community where we can all rise together to optimal health.

schedule a consultation

Ready to Get Started?

Your path to a nourished, balanced life begins here.

Schedule a free connect call with me today, and let’s craft a wellness plan that respects your unique journey and is centered on God’s purpose for you.